Forest Myers was honored with the Edmund C. Wingerd Jr. Award during the annual Admissions Ceremony of the Franklin County Bar Association held on December 7, 2018.

Forest Myers

The Wingerd Award is bestowed upon a FCBA member who has shown commitment to community and the highest standards of professionalism and service to his or her private clients and the needs of the underprivileged.

“Throughout his career, Forest has been an example for all of us to follow with his involvement in both the county and statewide bar associations, not to mention all of the committees and boards on which he has served. Forest actively champions to improve the practice of law and the legal profession, as well as increasing access to justice for all while encouraging others to do the same. Forest continues to engage attorneys of our bar association, particularly our Young Lawyers’ Division, to take an active role in our bar and our community. I truly believe that the description of the Wingerd Award depicts Forest and his career perfectly.” said FCBA President, Kristen Hamilton, who presented the award.

Mr. Myers is a sole practitioner located in Shippensburg, focusing on real estate, title insurance, wills, trust and probate. He is a graduate of Penn State University and the Dickinson School of Law. He is a past president of both the Franklin County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations. Myers served from 2007 until 2010 on the PBA Board of Governors as the unit county bar association governor. He has been a PBA zone delegate since 2003 and has served on the PBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee and the PBA Client and Community Relations Committee. In addition, Myers is a long-time member of the PBA Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee. He is a former member of the PBA Professionalism Committee and the PBA Real Property Probate and Trust Section’s Estate Planning Committee.

Mr. Myers was selected by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to serve on its Interest On Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTA) Board which oversees the interest earned on funds deposited to lawyer’s trust or escrow accounts. This board distributes over $13 million annually to legal service providers across Pennsylvania to enable them to provide legal services to our citizens who are not able to afford a lawyer.

Active in his community, Myers was board president of the Shippensburg Area School District from 1983 to 1985. He is a former drive chair of the Shippensburg United Way. He also served as a member of the Shippensburg Park Commission.

Forest is supported fully by his wife Becky, a very talented artist, in all of these endeavors and quite often accompanies him to events or hosts them at their home. Becky and Forest enjoy a love of travel, family and all things Penn State.